Bridge The Higher Education Value Gap
Course materials are an important front-door experience for students. We enable you to deliver a seamless and easy-to-navigate experience that enhances efficiency and convenience, helping institutions and providers close the value gap.
Offer instructors and students an intuitive, codeless experience with single-sign on (SSO) capability, allowing for grade pass back to the LMS. Student opt-out information is captured and shared immediately, eliminating delays and optimizing reporting. Now your sales team can focus on winning new business, increasing revenue, and driving institutional success across campus.
Partner Integration for Content Providers
Partner Integration for Institutions
Partner Integration for Campus Stores
Partner Integration for Students
“Partner integration guarantees that when that particular button, that course materials button is pushed, students are able to get right to the publisher's content. Why is that important? The students never have to leave the system. We decrease the failure rate of students getting what they need to get on day one.”
- Dr. Donald Parker, M.D., Inclusive Access Coordinator, Biology Professor, Houston Community College
Deliver a Learning Advantage